Building a simple data mapper
Have you ever wondered how a data mapper works? In this post, I'll build a simple mapper to illustrate how it works internally.
Fetching rows
To start with, if you look at the IDataReader
interface, you'll see that it implements an interface called IDataRecord
. That interface gives you access to the record without a lot of fluff. That knowledge can be used to create a very simple mapping method.
public static void Map(IDataRecord record, User user)
user.Id = (int)record["Id"];
user.FirstName = (string)record["FirstName"];
That allows us to create a repository method like this:
public async Task<List<User>> List()
await using var cmd = _transaction.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Users";
await using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
List<User> users = new List<User>();
while (await reader.ReadAsync())
var user = new User();
Map(reader, user);
return users;
That method can be simplified more by creating a mapping structure. Let's start with a base interface so that we can store all mappings in a dictionary:
public interface IMapper<TEntity>
void Map(IDataRecord record, TEntity entity);
To map, we need to know the columns and the properties to match them. That's a very basic approach, but it works for the purpose of this article. In a more complete mapper, you would typically also match the data types (for instance, cast int to enums and vice versa).
private void CreateMapping(IDataRecord record)
var props = typeof(TEntity).GetProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < record.FieldCount; i++)
var name = record.GetName(i);
var prop = props.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (prop == null)
var setMethod = prop.GetSetMethod() ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"All properties must have a public getter. Fix {typeof(T).Name}.{name}.");
See? The column name is fetched using record.GetName(i)
, and we match the property name against that. In a real solution, you might support different casing styles in the column names and allow manual mapping. The property name is stored in an internal list if a match is made.
The actual mapping is simple, thanks to the work done above:
public void Map(IDataRecord record, TEntity entity)
if (_firstPass)
_firstPass = false;
for (int i = 0; i < _propertySetMethods.Count; i++)
var value = record[i];
var setter = _propertySetMethods[i];
setter.Invoke(entity, new[] { value });
To use the code above, let's introduce a new extension method that takes care of invoking ExecuteReaderAsync()
and creating the entity list.
public static async Task<List<TEntity>> ToList<TEntity>(this DbCommand command) where TEntity : new()
var mapper = GetMapper<TEntity>();
await using var reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync();
var items = new List<TEntity>();
while (await reader.ReadAsync())
var entity = new TEntity();
mapper.Map(reader, entity);
return items;
That's it. Here is a complete usage:
public class UserRepository
private readonly IDbTransaction _transaction;
public UserRepository(IDbTransaction transaction)
_transaction = transaction;
public async Task<List<User>> List()
await using var cmd = _transaction.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Users";
cmd.AddParameter("userId", 10);
return await cmd.ToList<User>();
CRUD (Create, Update, Delete)
Creating extension methods for create, update, and delete is a bit harder since we need to keep track of the primary key and if it's autoincremented (which means that it should not be included as a column in the insert statement).
We'll assume that there is a single primary key; its name is always Id
and it's an auto-incremented column in SQL Server :)
The method below is executed once in the mapping class to build the strings for insert and update.
private void CreateCrudMapping()
// These two are for INSERT statements. Columns and values
var cols = "";
var values = "";
// Column assignment for UPDATE statements.
var updateLine = "";
foreach (var property in typeof(TEntity).GetProperties())
if (property.Name == "Id")
// We need the Id setter for the auto-incremented key
_idSetter = property.GetSetMethod()!;
// And the getter for the UPDATE/DELETE WHERE clause
_idGetter = property.GetGetMethod()!;
cols += $"{property.Name}, ";
values += $"@{property.Name}, ";
updateLine += $"{property.Name} = @{property.Name}, ";
// Need all properties for
_propertyGetMethods.Add(property.Name, property.GetGetMethod()!);
_updateStatement = $"UPDATE {typeof(TEntity).Name} SET {updateLine} WHERE Id = @Id";
_insertStatement = $"INSERT INTO {typeof(TEntity).Name} ({cols[..^2]}) VALUES({values[..^2]})";
Let's introduce the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE methods into the mapping class.
public async Task Insert(DbCommand command, object entity)
if (_insertStatement == "")
// SCOPE_IDENTITY is to get the generated primary key
command.CommandText = _insertStatement + ";SELECT (cast SCOPE_IDENTITY() as int)";
foreach (var kvp in _propertyGetMethods)
if (kvp.Key == "Id")
command.AddParameter(kvp.Key, kvp.Value.Invoke(entity, null) ?? DBNull.Value);
// INSERT, get the PK and assign it to the entity
var id = await command.ExecuteScalarAsync();
_idSetter.Invoke(entity, new[] { id });
public async Task Update(DbCommand command, object entity)
if (_updateStatement == "")
command.CommandText = _updateStatement;
foreach (var kvp in _propertyGetMethods)
command.AddParameter(kvp.Key, kvp.Value.Invoke(entity, null) ?? DBNull.Value);
command.AddParameter("Id", _idGetter.Invoke(entity, null) ?? DBNull.Value);
await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
public async Task Delete(DbCommand command, object entity)
if (_updateStatement == "")
command.CommandText = $"DELETE FROM {typeof(TEntity).Name} WHERE Id = @Id";
command.AddParameter("Id", _idGetter.Invoke(entity, null) ?? DBNull.Value);
await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
Using them directly is a bit cumbersome. We'll add extension methods to make it easier.
public static async Task Insert<TEntity>(this IDbTransaction transaction, [DisallowNull] TEntity entity)
if (entity == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));
var mapper = MappingRegistry.Instance.GetMapper<TEntity>();
await using var cmd = transaction.CreateCommand();
await mapper.Insert(cmd, entity);
public static async Task Update<TEntity>(this IDbTransaction transaction, [DisallowNull] TEntity entity)
if (entity == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));
var mapper = MappingRegistry.Instance.GetMapper<TEntity>();
await using var cmd = transaction.CreateCommand();
await mapper.Update(cmd, entity);
public static async Task Delete<TEntity>(this IDbTransaction transaction, [DisallowNull] TEntity entity)
if (entity == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));
var mapper = MappingRegistry.Instance.GetMapper<TEntity>();
await using var cmd = transaction.CreateCommand();
await mapper.Delete(cmd, entity);
Usage example
Ok. Now, we are ready to rock! Let's see what this minimal mapper can do for us:
// Setup
await using var connection = new SqlConnection("Server=;Database=AdoNetDemo;Trusted_Connection=True;");
await connection.OpenAsync();
await using var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();
var user = new User
FirstName = "Adam",
LastName = "Petter",
UserName = "nicklas"
await transaction.Insert(user);
Console.WriteLine($"Got id {user.Id} after insert :)");
// A query:
await using var command = transaction.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Users";
var users = await command.ToList<User>();
foreach (var entity in users)
Console.WriteLine($"Id: {entity.Id}");
Final words
I hope you have learned more about ADO.NET and what your favorite ORM does internally when you fetch information. I would love to hear if some parts are unclear or if I can improve the post.
I've also built a complete ORM with everything from scaffolding to migrations. The source code is available on GitHub. Or as a nuget package: Griffin.Data.
The source code from this post is available on GitHub.